The Phidippides Challenge 


327 Miles With Jeff Galloway and Dean Karnazes

Run, walk, hike and move back to 490 BCE when the founder of our sport, Phidippides, changed the course of history with this run.

Join the team at Phidippides Running and Greek-American Dean Karnazes and connect to the rich history of distance running with scenic views, landmarks, and audio adventures.

Pheidippides Challenge
Phidippides Challenge


Follow in the footsteps of the original distance runner!

The Pheidippides Challenge brings you back to 490 BCE, when the Greeks invented the culture of running.  Not only did they create the world’s oldest sport through the Olympics (from 776 BC), but non-competitive distance running was also a profession in ancient Greece, as “all day running” messengers (hemerodrome) would run cross country for as much as 100+ miles a day to negotiate treaties and business deals, etc.. 

We challenge you to follow in the footsteps of Phidippides–the most famous “all day runner.” Along the way you’ll learn about the origins of long-distance running and how this run played a role in the creation of democracy.  During the last segment you’ll be pulled into Athens for the dramatic conclusion on the same course that imbedded Phidippides and Marathon into the history books and inspired the running of the Olympic Marathon which debuted on that route.

Join us and connect to the rich history of distance running with scenic views, landmarks, and a fun podcast which brings out the personality of the hemerodromi (the all day runners). Whether you take several days or several months to complete the challenge, you’ll enrich your running experience.  So lace up those shoes and let the discovery begin!



Audio, video, and written content to guide you along the way. 


Great T-shirt and Medal!


Earn badges and content with each milestone city along the way

About Us

Something For Everyone!

After you register, you’ll receive instructions about how to record your miles, and as you do, you’ll be able to see your progress on a map of the course. Along the way, you’ll receive email updates to mark your progress, and when you complete the challenge, you’ll receive a shirt and a medal to celebrate your accomplishment. Whether you take several days or several months to complete the challenge, you’ll enrich your running experience. So, lace up those shoes and let the discovery begin!








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